SkinTyte™ Laser Skin Tightening
How does SkinTyte work?
The SkinTyte procedure utilizes infrared energy to deeply heat dermal collagen. This process promotes partial denaturation and contraction of collagen. The heat also initiates the body’s natural healing process, which creates a renewed collagen foundation leading to increased skin firmness. Powerful cooling maintains the outer surface of your skin at a cool temperature before, during, and after each pulse providing the patient a comfortable and safe procedure.
What is the treatment like?
The SkinTyte light energy is delivered in a sequence of rapid, gentle pulses. There is no need for a topical anesthetic. A series of pulses will be repeated over the treatment area to ensure optimum results. While the face and neck can typically be treated within 30 minutes, the actual time will depend on the area treated.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments vary from patient to patient and your physician can personalize a treatment plan based on the level of improvement you desire. Your physician may also combine SkinTyte with other popular aesthetic procedures to further personalize your treatment.
What should I expect after treatment?
You may experience some mild redness in the treated area immediately after treatment and this should return to normal within minutes. Since the SkinTyte procedure is noninvasive there is no downtime so you can resume regular activities immediately following treatment. You can also apply makeup and sunscreen after each session.
What results should I expect?
SkinTyte procedure results may vary from patient to patient. The SkinTyte procedure is recommended for patients who desire moderate, noticeable skin improvement without having to undergo surgery. Full results often take up to four months as the collagen foundation of your skin is rebuilt and strengthened.
What areas can be treated?
SkinTyte treatments are safe for all skin colors and can be performed on any area of the body where an improvement in your skin firmness is desired. Popular areas include the face, neck, abdomen and arms.
Oculoplastic Surgeons of Oklahoma, located in northwest Oklahoma City, is dedicated to providing world-class functional and cosmetic oculoplastic care for our patients.
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