Post Cancer Surgery & Eyelid Facial Repair
Eyelids are a common site for skin cancers including basal cell carcinoma, sebaceous cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.
Cancers located on the eyelid rarely cause symptoms, so any nodule or lesion that is seen growing on the lid should be evaluated.
If cancer is suspected, then a biopsy of the area may be needed. The biopsy will involve surgically removing a portion of the lesion. The biopsy tissue will be tested for the presence of cancer cells. In some cases, reconstructive surgery of the biopsy area may be needed.
Cancer Removal and Reconstruction
Once a diagnosis of cancer has been confirmed with a biopsy, great care must be taken to ensure the complete removal of the cancer to prevent it from spreading. To that end, the doctors at Oculoplastic Surgeons of Oklahoma often work with dermatologists who specialize in Mohs surgery—a specialized technique used to remove skin cancers with the highest level of accuracy possible.
After the cancer is removed delicate surgical procedures may be necessary to repair any defects caused by the removal of the cancer. The goal of this reconstructive surgery is to restore the proper appearance and function of the eyelid. Eyelid defects can be small or large, with larger defects requiring a series of complex procedures. The doctors at Oculoplastic Surgeons of Oklahoma are experts in the repair of cancer related skin defects.
Oculoplastic Surgeons of Oklahoma, located in northwest Oklahoma City, is dedicated to providing world-class functional and cosmetic oculoplastic care for our patients.
Fillers & Injectables
We can help you achieve the look you want with a customized plan using leading-edge fillers and injectables.
Laser Eyelid Surgery
Upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty can help you regain your full visual field and provide a more youthful look.
Advanced Skin Resurfacing
Let your radiance show! Rejuvenate your skin and minimize the appearance of fine lines and age spots.