Erbium Laser
Suitable for a variety of skin conditions, the erbium laser is an excellent option for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, minor acne scars, enlarged oil glands, and age spots. Because everyone’s skin is different, a thorough consultation is required to develop a customized treatment plan. A typical regimen consists of three laser sessions, lasting about 15 minutes each, with a recovery time ranging from 2-14 days.
How do I know if I need Erbium?
The erbium laser is a good fit for someone looking to correct fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
How does Erbium work?
The erbium laser emits light that is absorbed by water as the light hits the skin. The tissue that contains water is vaporized. The excess heat in the area that is generated by the laser results in collagen shrinkage and stimulates the formation of collagen which will tighten the skin further. As skin cells are mostly composed of water, the heat produced by the laser light is scattered over the skin. The object is to damage the skin to stimulate it just enough to promote healing. This damage will be similar to a burn and afterwards, the skin will ooze and weep. Deeper wrinkles require more treatment, while shallow scars and wrinkles may be completely erased after just one treatment.
What benefits can I expect?
Erbium laser skin resurfacing has been found safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the effective treatment of fine lines and moderate wrinkles. Those patients who have already undergone laser skin resurfacing to enhance their look and improve their self-confidence now find themselves with greatly improved, smoother, and younger-looking skin. Erbium laser skin resurfacing has also been shown to stimulate the production of collagen, which further smoothens and tightens the skin.
What are the risks and side effects?
Even as erbium laser skin resurfacing provides a highly effective treatment for fine lines and wrinkles with a shorter recovery period and fewer side effects, those receiving treatment should still expect their skin to appear pink or red after the procedure. Some swelling may also occur. Typically, medication will be provided along with thorough aftercare instructions to increase comfort and minimize recovery time.
Oculoplastic Surgeons of Oklahoma, located in northwest Oklahoma City, is dedicated to providing world-class functional and cosmetic oculoplastic care for our patients.
Fillers & Injectables
We can help you achieve the look you want with a customized plan using leading-edge fillers and injectables.
Laser Eyelid Surgery
Upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty can help you regain your full visual field and provide a more youthful look.
Advanced Skin Resurfacing
Let your radiance show! Rejuvenate your skin and minimize the appearance of fine lines and age spots.